Clear Polyaspartic Floor Coating High Gloss - Dura-Kote DK-120
High Gloss Clear Polyaspartic Floor Coating - Dura-Kote DK-120 from SureCrete Design
Polyaspartic Floor Sealer DK-120 is a specially formulated hybrid, solvent-based polyaspartic coating designed for:
- application over concrete or cement based flooring;
- as a topcoat for protecting epoxy flakes and metallic floors.
High Gloss Polyaspartic Floor Coating PFC-120 provides a low VOC (330 g/L), penetrating, film forming, color enhancing, high gloss, wear surface.
Although suitable for residential applications, DK-120 creates commercial grade abrasion resistance for decorative concrete flooring. DK-120's fast cure time eliminates excessive waiting to return a floor to service. Unlike many polyaspartics, DK-120 has a user-friendly pot life of approximately 30 minutes. Turnaround time for a floor may be as little as 5-6 hours. It is two component structure is 67% solids by weight and UV stable.
Please note: 5-Gal Pail is available only for pick up or freight shipping.
Average coverage: ~ 400 sqft/gal
Hotel and Resort Floors, High-Traffic Interior Applications, Fast Turn-Around Projects, Residential Living Areas, Retail Flooring, Commercial Concrete Applications, Quick-Dry Residential Coatings, Fast-Curing Service Industry Coatings.
How To Use:
- Any surface that is about to be sealed must be completely cleaned of any contaminates, be fully cured, be properly etched and fully profiled.
- Make sure that the temperatures stay between 32-90 degrees Fahrenheit and that there will not be any type of precipitation in the area for the next 12 hours.
- As a byproduct of its extremely fast curing time, polyaspartic sealers have a high sensitivity to moisture, care should be taken to keep the moisture level as close to zero as possible.
- Pour 1 part B and 4 parts A into a clean mixing container, and mechanically mix for two minutes (the kits are premeasured for this ratio).
- Use a premium, de-fuzzed phenolic core roller like EpoxyGlide to roll out a thin coat of DK120 over the desired area. Make sure to backroll the surface to remove roller marks.
- Optional: If you would like to add another coating, you must wait for the first coat to be dry to the touch (typically within 2 hours). However, if the first coat has been dry for over 10 hours, it must be sanded with 100 grit to ensure a proper bond between coatings.
Frequently Asked Questions About High Gloss Clear Polyaspartic Floor Coatings:
Q: Can I use just one coat of Dura-Kote Polyaspartic Floor Coating?
A: Yes, you can! Although it will depend entirely upon your desired finish floor and amount of protection you need, polyaspartics can stand alone as a single coat sealer for your concrete project.
Q: Will Dura-Kote Polyaspartic self-level and fill small holes?
A: Yes. It is a higher solids content coating than an acrylic sealer, but is not high enough to fill large voids, however our polyaspartic formulations were hybridized to allow for easier product flow and longer pot life, and thus have less solids and elasticity than a prototypical high percentages of solids polyaspartic coating that would bridge larger cracks and voids in the concrete surface.
Q: Can Dura-Kote Polyaspartic Clear Coatings be used outside?
A: No, polyaspartic coatings are not vapor-permeable and therefore should not be utilized in exterior applications.
Q: I have strict VOC laws in my area, can I use Dura-Kote Polyaspartic?
A: Please check with your local municipalities to be certain, but given its extremely low VOC rating - less than 330 grams per Liter (DK120) this product can be used in almost all states or municipalities.