Wood Logs Concrete Stepping Stone Mold WS 5902, 25" x 19.25"
Wood Logs Concrete Mold WS 5902
GlobMarble offers the most attractive and unique wood log concrete stone mold.
Concrete rubber mold to create natural texture wood log.
Wood log Mold size: 25" x 19 1/4" x 2 1/2" (63 cm x 49 cm x 6 cm) approximately
Sections (logs) - 12
Each section dimensions: 5 1/4" x 5 1/4" x 1 1/2" (13 cm x 13 cm x 4 cm)
Please check the combination of the Wood Plank Concrete mold WS 5902 with Wood Logs Concrete Mold WS 5002 for your new concrete wood floor design idea.

How to Make Concrete Stone Instruction
WS 5902 Stone-casting Instructions:
Always apply release agent to your mold prior to casting concrete.
WS 5902 mold casting weight is about 28.63 lbs. (13 kg.)
We use this 1:2 cement to filler ratio mix : (you can also mix 1-part Portland cement to 3 parts sand [filler], but plasticizer and water has to be re-calculated by cement weight)
9.54 lbs (4.33 kg) Portland cement (white for light stone colors, gray for dark stone colors)
19.08 lbs (8.67 kg) Sand (20-30 mesh recommended. Silica sand or "all-purpose" sand works great)
38.17 oz (1.04 L) Water (We recommend water to be 20%-30% of cement weight.) (If your mix is too liquid, use less water.)
1.53 oz (43.33 g) Super-plasticizer (Superplasticizer's dosage rate is 0.5% -1% of cement weight. We are using 1%)
For best result always add dry pigments to your mix prior to adding the water. Mix concrete with pigment and additives for a few minutes, then add water (mix at least 3-5 minutes). You can also add Super plasticizer to the water 10-15 minutes prior to casting, then mix with dry ingredients.
Please note: Concrete minimum mixing time is 3 minutes (it takes a few minutes until Super Plasticizer absorbs into the cement and start reaction)
To color different molds sections, brush oxide pigment over the selected sections, then cast the concrete.
Cover the mold with plastic while it is curing. Remove the stone from the mold in 12-24 hours