How to cast plaster/gypsum stone, plaster casting hand mix technique
There is many different casting plasters and plaster additives available on the market. Today we'll use general purpose casting plaster available at local hardware store and plain water.
Property mixed gypsum sets to high consistency, great strength and perfect surface details without air pockets product.
We use mixing bucket, gypsum and water.
Hand mix technique will give you a maximum amount of working time with minimum air pockets on product surface without stone vibration.
Add pre-measured cold water into the bucket. For GlobMarble MS 871 mold we'll need 2 litters ( 64oz) of water.
Sift the plaster to the water until the water stop absorbing the plaster. Live it for 3-5 minutes and let the plaster to be fully saturated by water.
Mix plaster toughly to remove all lumps.
Shake the mold
To speed up the process stone can be removed from mold in 20-40 minutes.